1 Helgi Þorláksson. 1981. Bls. 18.
2 Jón Guðmundsson, Spánverjavígin 1615 (1950), bls. 31-76.
3 Yoldi, Euskera, bls. 121.
4 Behar, ,,The Basque Paradigm“, bls. 491.
5 Xamar, Orhipean. El pais del Euskara, bls. 17.
6 Raento, ,,Gernika, Guernica, Guernica?“, bls 721.
7 Yoldi, Euskera, bls. 123.
8 Casado Soto et al, Itsas aurrean : El País Vasco y el mar a través de la historia, bls. 29.
9 Strong, ,,The Fueros of Northern Spain“, bls. 328-329
10 Laburu, La nao ballenera Vasca del siglo xvi, bls. 38.
11 Strong, ,,The Fueros of Northern Spain“, bls. 328-329; Irujo, ,,Legal Status of the Fisheries in the Basque Coastal States“, bls. 193-199.
12 Laburu, La nao ballenera Vasca del siglo xvi, bls. 37.
13 Laburu, La nao ballenera Vasca del siglo xvi, bls. 38.
14 Ibanez, Burdinaren industria (The iron industry), bls. 105.
15 Agote Aizpurua, Gure itsasontziak (Our boats), bls. 110.
16 Agote Aizpurua, Gure itsasontziak (Our boats), bls. 109-110.
17 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 29.
18 Laburu o.fl, ,,Arquitectura naval Vasca“. Vef. La Enciclopedia Emblática : Historia maritima.
19 Agote Aizpurua, Gure itsasontziak (Our boats), bls. 110.
20 Irujo, ,,Legal Status of the Fisheries in the Basque Coastal States“, bls. 193.
21 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 24.
22 Harrison Matthews, The Whale, bls. 96.
23 University of Aberdeen, vefsíða.
24 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða, bls. 58.
25 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða, bls 60.
26 Bontigui Eskisabel, Baleekin jolasean, titilsíða.
27 Jón Hlíðberg, Hvalir, bls. 119-122.
28 Trausti Einarsson, Hvalveiðar við Ísland 1600-1939, bls. 13.
29 Kurlansky, The Basque history of the world, bls. 50.
30 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða. Bls. 65.
31 Agote Aizpurua, Gure itsasontziak (Our boats), bls. 114. whc.unesco.org, vefsíða, bls. 72.
32 Aguilar, ,,A Review of Old Basque Whaling and its Effect on the Right Wales (Eubalaena glacialis) of the North Atlantic“, bls 191.
33 Douglass, Amerikanuak : Basques in the New World, bls. 56.
34 Aguilar, ,,A Review of Old Basque Whaling and its Effect on the Right Wales (Eubalaena glacialis) of the North Atlantic“, bls. 196.
35 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða. bls 58.
36 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða. bls. 564.
37 Aguilar, ,,A Review of Old Basque Whaling and its Effect on the Right Wales (Eubalaena glacialis) of the North Atlantic“, bls. 191.
38 Loewen, ,,Historical data on the Impact of 16th century Basque Whaling on Right and Bowhead whales in the Western North Atlantic“, bls. 11.
39 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 25.
40 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 63.
41 Barkham, ,,The Basque Whaling Establishments in Labrador 1536-1632“, bls. 518.
42 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls 70.
43 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 71.
44 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 71.
45 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls 41.
46 Barkham, ,,The Basque Whaling Establishments in Labrador 1536-1632“, bls. 517.
47 Barkham, ,,Burgos Insurance for Basque ships“, bls. 90.
48 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 52.
49 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls. 55.
50 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls 62.
51 whc.unesco.org, vefsíða. Bls 62.
52 Trausti Einarsson, Hvalveiðar við Ísland 1600-1939, bls. 16.
53 Páll Eggert Ólason, Saga Íslendinga, 4, bls. 163.
54 Már Jónsson, ,,Aðdragandi og ástæða Spánverjavíga haustið 1615“ bls. 72.
55 Strong, ,,The Fueros of Northern Spain“, bls. 328-329.
56 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls 41.
57 Proulx, Basque Whaling in Labrador in the 16th Century, bls 71.
58 Jón Guðmundsson, Spánverjavígin 1615 (1950), bls. 6.
59 Helgi Guðmundsson, ,,Um þrjú basknesk-íslensk orðasöfn frá 17. öld“, bls. 75-87.
60 Etxepare, ,,The Newly-Discovered fourth Basque-Icelandic Glossary“, bls. 356.
61 Helgi Þorláksson, Sjórán og siglingar, bls 55.
62 Öldin sautjánda. Minnisverð tíðindi 1601-1700, bls. 36.
63 Helgi Þorláksson, Sautjánda öldin, bls. 29.
64 Bogi Benediktsson, Sýslumannaæfir 2.b., bls. 83.
65 Hannes Finnsson, Mannfækkun af hallærum, bls. 51.